Despite being a great email marketing platform, you might wonder why your ConvertKit emails are going to spam and how to fix it. 

It’s a good thing there are tried-and-tested strategies to help you reach the inbox in no time. So, if you fall short of your goal, now is the time to consider trying to improve your email deliverability.

Here are some easy fixes to keep your mail out of the spam folder:

7 Ways to Avoid ConvertKit Emails Going to Spam

1. Be Compliant

Err on the side of caution. Depending on where your business is based, you should comply with anti-spam laws whenever you’re sending commercial emails.

There are several important legislation in the world for email senders and marketers. These laws include the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Canada Anti-Spam Law (CASL), and the CAN-SPAM Act.

Evaluate what the law in your country or state asks for senders. For instance, CAN-SPAM requires commercial emails to avoid deception. It does so by stating the purpose of the email and including an unsubscribe hyperlink in every email sent.

Need more information? Check out the Federal Trade Commission’s CAN-SPAM ACT Compliance Guide for Business here!

2. Authenticate Your Email

This part can be tricky. However, the solution is to verify that you are indeed who you claim to be and that your emails are legitimate. Why? It’s simple: email service providers like Gmail, trust authenticated emails more than unauthenticated ones.

And if your ConvertKit email is authenticated, the ESP is more likely to deliver those emails straight into your recipients’ inboxes.

Here are the four methods to authenticate your email:

  • Domain-Based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) – This email authentication requires both DKIM and SPF to deliver emails. It also makes it easier for ISPs to block malicious email practices, like email spoofing.
  • Brand Indicator for Message Identification (BIMI) – This enables the use of business logos in emails so that they will be more recognizable to receivers.
  • Sender Policy Framework (SPF) – This email authentication technique confirms your identity as the sender. It does so by comparing your IP (found in the DNS record) with a list of authorized Internet Protocol addresses to send from that domain.
  • Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) – DKIM makes sure that your emails are not tampered with during the sending process.

Note: You may experience a temporary drop in your open rate after setting up authentication records.

Don’t worry. Mailbox providers are just reevaluating your sender’s reputation. This is similar to what happens every time there are major changes in how you send your mail.

Eventually, open rates will return to normal after sending through the verified sending domain consistently after two to three weeks.

3. Build and Regularly Clean Your Email List

Building an email list is the next step to avoid your ConvertKit emails going to spam. This includes:

  • Putting out a sign-up sheet
  • Leveraging your business cards
  • Inviting people to “join the club”
  • Organizing a giveaway
  • Building a blog, or
  • Optimizing your main site for opt-ins

But remember also that subscribers and email lists naturally drop off. At some point, there are just some people who no longer want to receive your emails, and that’s okay! Don’t take it personally. What matters more is the quality of your list rather than the quantity.

Having people mark your email as spam will be detrimental to your sending reputation. So, it is best to clean up your email list regularly. Remove or segment the unengaged users. Prune your cold subscribers (those who have not clicked your email for the last 90 days) if necessary, too.

4. Use Spam Checkers

Using spam checkers is another way to keep your ConvertKit emails from going to spam.

These tools will protect your sender’s reputation. It will also enhance the overall quality of your email because it will help you avoid spam trigger words.

While ISPs still have the final say as to how emails are filtered, email spam checkers often give senders a heads-up as they prepare for new campaigns.

In addition, some spam checkers test the authentication of your email and whether SPF and DKIM are adequately set up. These tools likewise review your email content, making sure that there are no elements that would trigger the spam filter.

Usually, spam checkers flag email content with tons of exclamation marks, capital letter sentences, and spammy words both in the email body and the subject line.

5. Send Relevant Content

Have you ever subscribed to a website only to be bombarded with emails every single day? It sure is not a good experience, especially if most of the emails don’t even appeal to your interests.

The bottom line is no one wants to receive too many irrelevant emails. That’s why you should send relevant content to reach the inbox. Whatever you’re sending to your list will be a huge part of how these subscribers will see your brand and how your relationship will develop.

Therefore, we suggest putting your content at the core of your email marketing campaign and make sure to send it timely.

6. Provide Double Opt-In

Adding a double opt-in subscription system will improve your overall deliverability. This system adds new contacts to your list, where you collect email addresses through the sign-up form. Then, it sends a confirmation (or welcome email) in those email addresses to validate their contact information.

Using the double opt-in feature also confirms the subscribers’ genuine interest in your messages. As a result, this keeps your delivery and engagement rates high, while your spam traps low.

Want to know more about making opting forms and landing pages using ConvertKit? You can ask questions on its community page today!

7. Monitor Email Engagement Metrics

Tracking your email engagement metrics helps you decipher which parts of your campaigns are working and which are not. Not to mention, it keeps you from your ConvertKit emails going to spam.

These include the bounce rate, complaint rate, and spam rate, subscribe and unsubscribe rates, open rate, and unique open rate.

Don’t worry, though. It’s easy to see some of these metrics in your ConvertKit dashboard. There are even detailed numbers on how your campaigns are performing.

And these features make the platform different from other ESPs. You can also ask and answer questions, and share your experience with other users in ConvertKit.

But if you want to increase your email engagement, it is best to go beyond just measuring the numerical metrics. You can make your emails interactive and personal, celebrate your audience’s achievements, or be helpful and not just promotional.

You may also add a “Request Answer” feature to connect questions with people who can answer those queries or simply teach your subscribers something useful about them or you.

Your ConvertKit Emails are Inbox Worthy!

Yes, it is possible to run a thriving email campaign using ConvertKit. Follow the steps above and you can prevent your CovertKit emails going to spam, which will eventually improve your email open rate!

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