Did you know that around 85% percent of all emails sent worldwide are classified as spam? [1] This highlights the importance of good email hygiene. Think of it as decluttering your virtual workspace to keep your important email messages from getting lost in the spam folder. This article simplifies the concept of email hygiene, explaining its significance in straightforward terms. Let’s uncover why it’s crucial and how adopting proper email list hygiene can remarkably enhance your email campaigns. Let’s dive in.

What Is Email Hygiene?

In email marketing, email hygiene means keeping your email list clean and organized. It means getting rid of irrelevant or outdated email addresses and ensuring your messages reach the intended recipient’s inbox.

Think of it as sorting through your contacts and removing the ones you don’t need. Doing this boosts the chances of emails being delivered successfully and prevents issues like bounces or spam complaints.

It’s a smart way to ensure your marketing emails are effective and reach their intended audience.

Four Major Benefits of Email Hygiene

The word email spelled out on a gray surface.

1. Improved Deliverability

Making sure your emails reach the right inbox is what we call “improved deliverability.” When you keep your email space tidy, it’s more likely your emails land where they should, increasing the chances of successful delivery.

Email service providers and spam filters decide where your emails go. By practicing good email hygiene, you increase the chances of your messages landing in the recipient’s mail server, which are then delivered to their inbox.

This way, both your customers and their mail servers are happy because the messages reach where they should without any trouble.

To improve inbox placement, regularly verify email addresses, removing invalid ones. Evaluate inbox placement rates, aiming for 85% and above, which is the average, to ensure effective email delivery. [2]

Related: Inbox Placement – All You Need to Know

2. Enhanced Sender Reputation

A clean and well-maintained email list, free of spam and irrelevant contacts, boosts your sender’s reputation.

This, in turn, increases the credibility of your emails. It also establishes a level of trust in the eyes of Internet service providers (ISPs), ensuring your emails are treated with the importance they deserve.

3. Reduced Bounce Rates

Bounce rates, indicating undelivered emails, are a critical metric for email health. High bounce rates not only impact your sender’s reputation negatively but also pose a threat to your overall email deliverability.

By consistently cleaning your email list, removing invalid addresses, and rectifying bounce issues, you effectively minimize bounce rates.

This approach ensures that your emails navigate smoothly to the right audience without any delivery troubles.

Related: Email Soft Bounce vs Hard Bounce – What’s the Difference?

4. Increased Conversion Rates

A well-tended and engaged email list acts as the fertile ground where leads can seamlessly transform into loyal customers.

When your carefully crafted emails land in the right inboxes and are welcomed by an actively engaged audience, the probability of successful conversions increases.

Three Factors Affecting Email Hygiene

A man working on a laptop in his home office.

1. Bounce Rates

Bounce rates are a key indicator of the health of your email list. By regularly monitoring and addressing bounce rates, you ensure your messages are reaching your email subscribers, resulting in a successful email campaign.

2. Spam Complaints

Truth be told, nobody likes unwanted guests. The same goes for unwanted emails. “spam complaints” happen when people mark your emails as unwanted. It’s like saying, “I don’t want this!” Good email hygiene prevents you from sending stuff that people don’t want.

As a result, it keeps your emails in good standing and prevents issues with the sender reputation and email deliverability.

Use a tool like Inboxally to reduce your spam complaints. By using unique seed emails, Inboxally ensures positive engagement with your content. This proactive method helps train inbox providers to recognize your emails as valuable, decreasing the likelihood of recipients marking them as spam.

Related: How InboxAlly Increased a Top B2B Analytics and Data Provider’s Cold Email Delivery Rate to 100% in One Month

3. Unsubscribe Rate

The unsubscribe rate is the number of people who decide they want to receive your emails anymore, hence unsubscribe. It’s essential to make it easy for them to say, “I’m done.”

Having a low unsubscribe rate means people are still interested. By respecting their choices and keeping it simple to opt-out, you maintain a good relationship. It’s like giving your friends the option to leave a conversation if they want. This also complies with the CAN-SPAM Act.

Ten Ways to Promote Your Email Hygiene

A group of people sitting around a table and working on a laptop.

1. Segment Your Email List

Segmenting your email list means putting people into groups based on things like what they like or where they’re from. It’s like sorting your friends based on their interests. This helps you send messages that matter to each group.

For example, a clothing retailer could segment their list into categories like gender, age or purchase history.

This segmentation enables them to send personalized promotions, such as exclusive discounts on specific product lines. This way, your emails feel more personal, and your audience is more likely to pay attention.

2. Verify Email Addresses

Regularly verify emails and remove invalid email addresses or outdated contacts. Consider using email verification tools that check the validity of email addresses in real-time. [3]

These tools identify and remove incorrect or non-existent addresses, reducing the likelihood of bounces and improving your sender’s reputation.

For example, a marketing campaign targeting professionals in a specific industry benefits from accurate email verification. It ensures that crucial information reaches the right individuals, increasing the campaign’s effectiveness.

3. Update Subscriber Information

Promptly capture and integrate changes in user details, such as name, location or preferences. This is to ensure your messages align with the current needs and preferences of your subscribers.

Imagine a travel agency updating customer profiles with recent travel destinations and preferences. This allows them to send tailored recommendations and offers, enhancing the customer’s experience and increasing the likelihood of a conversion.

4. Comply With Regulations

Adhering to email marketing regulations is not only a legal necessity but also a trust-building practice. Ensure your email marketing campaigns comply with laws like the CAN-SPAM Act or GDPR, depending on your target audience and geographical scope.

For instance, including a clear and easy-to-find unsubscribe link in your emails aligns with the CAN-SPAM regulatory requirements. This transparency not only avoids legal complications but also builds trust with your audience, showcasing your commitment to ethical communication practices.

5. Optimize Email Frequency

Tailor your email frequency based on the preferences and behavior of your audience. Avoid bombarding subscribers with too many emails, as this can lead to fatigue and increased opt-out rates.

Consider a scenario where an online magazine optimizes its frequency based on the reading habits of its audience. By sending relevant content at the right intervals, they keep subscribers engaged without overwhelming them.

6. Educate Subscribers

a team leader teaching her staff

Empower subscribers with valuable information about your products, services, or industry. Educated subscribers are more likely to engage and make informed decisions.

Provide useful content that goes beyond promotional messages, establishing your brand as a valuable resource.

For example, a software company could create tutorials or how-to guides to help users maximize the benefits of their products. This educational content not only adds value to the user experience but also strengthens the connection between the brand and its audience.

7. Utilize Preference Centers

Preference centers empower subscribers to control the type and frequency of the emails they receive. Implementing preference centers allows users to customize their experience, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement.

Consider an online retailer offering a preference center where customers can choose their preferred product categories, update frequency preferences and even opt for exclusive offers.

This level of customization enhances the user experience and increases the likelihood of conversion.

8. Remove Inactive Subscribers

A clean and engaged subscriber list is more valuable than a large but inactive one. Regularly identify and remove inactive subscribers to streamline your email list.

Define criteria for identifying inactive subscribers, such as a lack of opens or clicks over a specific period. Once identified, consider a re-engagement campaign before removing them from your list.

For example, a fitness app may target inactive users with a special promotion or a reminder of the benefits of regular exercise. This can reignite interest and prevent the loss of potentially valuable subscribers.

9. Evaluate Automation and Personalization

Implement automated workflows to streamline processes, such as welcome sequences, abandoned cart reminders, or post-purchase follow-ups.

For instance, an e-commerce store can set up an automated series to recommend complementary products based on a customer’s previous purchases. This enhances the shopping experience and increases the likelihood of repeat business.

10. Avoid Buying Email Lists

Purchasing email lists might seem like a quick fix, but it often leads to more harm than good. Resist the temptation to buy lists, as these contacts have not opted in and may result in high bounce rates and damage your sender’s reputation.

Instead, focus on growing your list organically through opt-in methods. This ensures your subscribers have a genuine interest in your content, leading to higher engagement and a more positive overall response.


Maintaining a top-notch email game is the secret sauce. Regular checks, clever segmentation, and reaching out to those sleepy subscribers ensure your emails are front and center in the inbox.

It’s not about hitting send; it’s about nurturing trust and creating real connections when it comes to email marketing. It’s essential to remember that a clutter-free inbox is a happy inbox; it promotes satisfaction for both the sender and recipient.

Wondering how to elevate your email hygiene game? Inboxally is your go-to solution; with its unique seed emails and strategic engagements, it not only increases deliverability but also ensures a cleaner, more responsive inbox. Book a free live demo now!


[1] https://www.techtarget.com.

[2] https://www.validity.com/blog.

[3] https://www.lemlist.com/blog/best-email-verification-tools